is it hard to use car seat for twins

Is it Hard to Use Car Seat for Twins – What to Look For

is it hard to use car seat for twins

Is It Hard to Use Car Seat for Twins

Being a parent of twins is hard enough. But is it hard to use a car seat for twins? Of course. Allow us to make it as easy for you as possible by presenting to you our list of budget-friendly best lightweight car seats. Choose a car seat that is most appropriate for you and simply plop your car seats, with your babies strapped in them, obviously, and travel safely per the law.

Choosing Car Seats for Twins

There are several factors you need to take into account when you choose car seats for your twins. Consider the factors below and follow the tips to shop better and smarter!


Will the car seats fit into your car? This factor takes precedence over all other factors. You will be stuffing two car seats into your car, therefore, you must consider the size of your car’s passenger seat. You may have found the most suitable car seat with the best fabric but it is all pointless if the car seats are not compatible with your vehicle.

Try to measure the size of the vehicle carefully before you make the purchase. A pro tip is to drive to the store and test out the car seats before you make the final purchase, in case you have any calculation error with size.

Safety expert suggests expectant parents choose a car seat 3 weeks before their due date. And you should do this sooner than later especially if you are expecting twins; it will be a lot less stressful, and you are already prepared for your twin’s first trip- home from the birth center or hospital.


Portability acts as one of the main deciding features when you are choosing a car seat for your babies. Although the weight of the car seat should not be much of a factor, it is something you should keep in mind. You will constantly be carrying your twins simultaneously into and out of the car, and you need your car seats to be lightweight and easily portable.

Choose a car seat that is lightweight so it fits easily into your car, and most importantly is easy to carry and use. Check out our list of the best lightweight car seats which give you the best value for your money.

Also, consider the follow-up questions- How heavy is the seat? Is it light enough for you to carry your seats to the airport if you consider air travel? Some seats are significantly heavier and more difficult to carry. Are the car seats approved for air travel? If you have infant twins, flying with car seats is very common. Therefore, you must purchase car seats that are approved for airplane use.


Anything that babies use should be easy to clean, including car seats. Your baby may throw up or have a diaper blowout. In that case, can you quickly and easily remove the car seat cover and wash it up before your next trip?


Do the seats come with a 5-point harness? You will want to get car seats that come with a 5-point harness for your babies because this ensures their maximum safety. Consider other safety factors and features before making the final purchase.


Does the car seat work with latch anchors or seat belts? Inspect whether your purchased car seats work with latch systems or seat belts. Also, remember to inspect your car and see how you will anchor the car seats.

Find One, Get Two

 Most baby products are designed and sold for twins and multiple babies. However, unlike strollers or other sorts of baby carriers, car seats do not come in pairs. So you can do your research, find a car safe that suits your baby and vehicle, and get two of them.

Car Seats for Growing Babies    

Just like any other product, babies outgrow everything, including car seats. There are different types of car seats allocated for different age groups. However, the good news is that you can find twin car seats that will accommodate your babies as they grow.

Before purchasing the car seats, be careful to check weight limits on the seats and other factors- such as are the seats rear-facing, can the seats accommodate newborns to infants and how do the seats support children who can sit up.

The D0’s and DON’T When Choosing Car Seats for Twins



  • Check the expiration date on seats. You are not allowed to use the car seat once it reaches its expiration date because they are no longer safe to use.
  • Check the minimum weight rating. Newborn car seats usually come with a minimum weight rating. But twins usually have a lower birth weight than single babies. Moreover, the weight limit drops even further if your babies are premature. If you purchased car seats that do not meet all the weight criteria to carry your twins, you may not be allowed to use them to carry your babies by the hospital authority.
  • Check the harnesses and their flexibility. The harness usually goes above the shoulder but depending on your baby’s size, you need to be able lower or higher its slot.




  • Do not start with a convertible car seat. Convertible car seats are usually made for older babies and not for infants. You must not especially choose convertible car seats if you carry twins, because twins are usually smaller than singletons and need car seats accustomed to their sizes.
  • Do not use second-hand car seats. Even if a car seat looks perfect to the naked eye, the smallest crack can win the integrity of the seat and therefore temper your baby’s safety.
  • Do not use harness strap covers initially for your infant twins. You can use them when your babies grow up. But when they are infants, the strap covers will get in the way of checking the harness height and tightening it. This induces risk for your babies.


Tips to Prepare to Travel by Car with Twin Babies


You are getting ready to travel with twins, there are some things you need to know to make your life easier.

  1. Buy lightweight, easily portable car seats. Instead of carrying each baby to and from the car, you can just simply buckle them up into the lightweight infant car seats and carry them simultaneously.
  2. Always carry more baby stuff than you think you need. A lot can happen in a car ride, especially when you are traveling with twins. Bring more diapers and extra clothes that you think you will need. Appropriative clothing for babies while you traveling by car is rompers. It’s easy to get babies in and out of them, especially when they need a diaper change.
  3. If you are going for a long car ride, make sure to pack mess-free bibs to minimize food mess in your car. Also, carry along an extra bottle, and a few healthy snacks if your twins have just started on solids.
  4. Figure out a system for feeding babies. Babies eat very less but very often. And when it comes to twins, you need to feed both your babies at once. If you are nursing, it will be easier for you if you carry extra pillows to help you nurse both of them simultaneously. Or if you are supplementing instead it will be easier for you to bring some extra bottles. But if you like feeding one baby at a time, make sure you carry little toys which can distract your other baby for a while.
  5. Find an easier way for diaper changes. When you are traveling with twins there is twice the chance for you to encounter a diaper explosion during your trip. You can have your babies dress in rompers that are easy to zip on and off; this makes diaper changes easy. Carry towels and light blankets to make things easier on the go.


How long can babies stay in a car seat?

Babies stay in a car seat for about 2 hours in a 24-hour period.


What age can you travel with twins?

The best age to travel with twins is when they are at least 5 or 6 years old. This makes it easier for them to handle the new experience and easy for you to handle them.


How do you fly with 3-month-old twins?

If you are flying alone with your twins under 2, you should buy an extra seat for them to make things easier on the go.



It would help if you did not base your decision of buying car seats for your twins on the brand of the car seat. Rather you should choose based on safety rating weight and height, requirements, price, and most importantly vehicle compatibility.

When you choose car seats for your twins, it’s very important that you start with a lightweight infant car seat. You can invest and upgrade to a convertible car seat once you are twin outgrows of the current one.

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